Friday, April 29, 2011

KBIS 2011 (Cambria)

Browsing the show I was able to check out the Cambria display, view some of their new (unreleased) colors and see some of my favorites.
The display was clean and and well thought out, the stations manned with friendly knowledgeable people.

(below are a couple new unreleased colors, Cambria staff assured me that they will be releasing them later this year, and I will be anxious to see what clients think of them)

For those of you who know me you know I'm a Cambria Booster.  Their colors are incredible, their manufacturing superb, all around perfect quartz product.
I know many of you wonder is quartz better than granite?, is granite better than quartz?  That I will leave in the eye of the beholder.
Quartz is maintenance free, its fairly repairable and I know I would put it in my own home.

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